Your Best Future Starts Now

Ochs is a creative team with over five decades of multimedia, public relations, political and business consulting combined. Our core values are your values. We’re passionate about collaboration, engagement and defining a lasting, meaningful legacy for our clients. The question is: What can we do for you? How do we make you the best that you can be?

We Can Build Your World

Founded in 2016, Ochs has worked with several businesses throughout the Central Coast to build, maintain and protect their brand. We build through expansion of innovative business practices, monitoring industry trends and engage with the public for maximum reliability.


Advanced multimedia production, including web & graphic design, audio/video editing and more.


We plan for every case scenario and craft the best move possible with our content strategies and brand management expertise.


We go behind the scenes by reviewing analytics, develop campaigns based on industry trends and business data.


We work with your business to create, modify and expand your vision for maximum visibility and profitibility.